
In the year 2013, new production premises with a total surface of 300 sqm are finished, so that by relocating some of the existing machines and by bringing some new production equipment, we could successfully cope with the request increase on the specific market.
At the same time, our company has acquired 3 new machines by means of E.U. funds in order to produce new products, this way responding to the most exigent and most various customer requests.
At this point, Nic&M has a production premises of more than 600 sqm, where 15 employees activate, having as main point of interest the satisfaction of customer exigencies, continuing to cross new barriers so as to maintain our position of market leader. We have a strong and dynamic team, offering high-standard, flexible services in order to satisfy client needs.We respect clear working procedures, granting a high and constant level of product and service quality.
Our goal is to satisfy our customers’ requirements at a high level, by offering the best cost and quality combinations for the products and services that are requested by the customers.
SC Nic&M Impex SRL is honored to answer any of your requests regarding our product and services offer, which will grant you real satisfaction.

 Str. VIII Nr.34A
 557085 - Cristian, Jud. Sibiu, RO
 Tel: 0742 072 807
 Tel: 0043 6642022476
 Fax: 0269 579 320